Synopsis: This is a simple, likely fast-moving, game which requires players to score in both serving and serve receive situations.
Age/Skill Level: This game is suitable for all levels.
Requirements: Two teams, full court, 2 balls
Execution: This is a standard serve-initiated game with alternating pairs of serves (Team A serves once, then Team B serves once) using a wash scoring system. A team must win both the service rally and the serve receive rally to score a point. If one team cannot win both rallies, no points are scored and the two serves are repeated. Teams rotate each time a point is scored.
- Depending on how long you want this game to go on, you could run it to a set point objective (15, 25, etc.), or just on a timed basis.
- You can change the rotation rule to require a team to win a point before it can rotate (rather than both teams rotate together).
- This could be used just as easily for small-sided games.
Additional Comments:
- If you don’t count missed serves as rally wins for the receiving team you will encourage players to serve more aggressively. Just make sure the players don’t miss serves consecutively per the rules.
- Requiring a team to score a big point to rotate would likely have the benefit of giving more reps to your weaker rotation(s).
- This game was inspired by something I saw in Long Beach State training.