Synopsis: This coach-initiated game is good for working on a variety of out-of-system type situations.
Age/Skill Level: This game is for all levels.
Requirements: 2 teams, full court, several balls
Execution: This is a coach-initiated game. Each rally begins with the coach playing a ball to one side. The rally goes on per usual from there. When the rally ends, a new ball is immediately initiated.
- Russ Rose at Penn State uses a variation in which he puts in 4 balls – with the ball going to either side – then has both sides rotate.
- The balls can be initiated all to one side for some given period of time (30 seconds, 1 minute, etc.)
- Score can be kept to make it a proper game that finishes with a specific objective being met.
- This is suitable for small-sided play.
Additional Comments:
- You can use this game to focus on certain aspects of the game that your players struggle with – balls off the court, balls in the net, etc.
- To encourage full commitment to keeping the ball off the floor you can do something like adding time or extra balls if a team lets a ball drop without sufficient effort.
- If you make the ball you initiate the first contact – meaning the players must get the ball over the net in only 2 contacts – you will have something akin to the Virus game.