Synopsis: This variation on Winners is a small-sided game which can be used when you don’t have a net available, especially for younger and/or more developmental players. Also potentially useful in situations where you have lots of players, but little space.
Age/Skill Level: This game is suitable for all levels.
Requirements: 6 players, 1 balls.
Execution: Start with three teams of 2 players each. One of the team starts as the net. They stand in the middle. The other two teams play out a rally. The loser of the rally swaps places with the “net” team and serves the next point.
- The game could be played for time or until one team won a given number of points.
- Depending on the amount of space available, you could configure the “court” to be short or narrow or whatever suits your purpose.
- You could increase the team sizes to 3s, and maybe 4s.
- Rather than switching on each rally, you could play mini games (say first to 3).
Additional Comments:
- I saw this diagrammed on a table at breakfast by John Kessel.
- If there is a rope or string or some other thing that could act as a net, the “net” team can hold that rather than having the rally played out over them.
- This is something that potentially could be used in a pre-match warm-up when you only have one side of the court.