Synopsis: This game pits the OH and OPP hitters against each other in a kill challenge to work on being able to score against full-team defense, but also allows for working on blocking and defense.
Age/Skill Level: This game is suitable for intermediate and advanced players.
Requirements: 2 teams, court, balls
Execution: Playing 6 v 6 in a single rotation, one side receives all serves. The setter is back row and alternates setting the OH and the OPP. If one of them scores and the other does not, that hitter earns a point. If neither scores or both score, then it is a wash. The defensive team plays the second ball over when they make digs to keep rallies going. Each new rally begins with a serve. Play to a certain number of points.
- You could designate only high ball attacks if that’s a specific area of focus you want.
- Blockers can be given specific instructions as to what to take/give.
- You can have your defense play something other than the usual one to act as an upcoming opponent or work on developing a new system.
Additional Comments:
- I saw this demonstrated by the USA National Team coaching staff at the HP Coaches Clinic.
- It’s not a bad idea to keep hitting stats while doing this game, to get the added information above and beyond who wins.
- Having the defensive team play the second ball over keeps them engaged and allows for work on hitting in transition in a more controlled fashion than going off a 3rd touch contact.