Yesterday I did the first of the Volleyball Coaching Wizards interviews. It was with my partner on the project, Mark Lebedew from At Home on the Court. We ran it as a kind of webinar to allow some others to listen in and ask questions of their own. There were a couple of technical glitches on Mark’s end, and a “family” interruption or two, but overall the interview went well and covered a lot of good ground. Once I edit the recording we’ll be making it available, and Mark has offered to do the transcription to produce a text version.
Want to know what the biggest takeaway was for me from the interview?
It was that this project is going to be A LOT of work. The interview took about 2.5 hours. It will probably take at least that much time to edit, produce and upload. Add in the time required to arrange for an interview and to do all the other little admin things around it and you’re basically talking about a full day’s effort for each one. And that’s not even counting the transcription of the audio, which after this one we will almost certainly outsource.
Now consider that we already have over 30 coaches who have agreed to be interviewed and that’s just about 10% of our prospect list. Starting to get the idea of how much work this project will involve?
By the way, those who attended the interview – which we ran as a Google+ Hangout – was very positive.