I’ve been tracking something interesting in the stats of this blog. January’s readership was the highest it’s ever been since I started the site in 2013. It was only by about 4% over the 2020 value, though, so I didn’t think a great deal about it. Aside from 2019 when some hacking related issues saw page views take a dip, every year has seen more page views than the one before.
Now I’m looking at February’s figures. With a couple days left, 2021 has already exceeded 2020 by nearly 12% as I write this. And that’s considering there was an extra day in the calendar last year. On a daily average basis, page views are up nearly 28% year-over-year. That will likely dip a bit over the weekend as Saturday and Sunday generally see the fewest page views each week. Still, it’s an impressive jump.
I can’t help but wonder how much of this is a function of teams normally playing in the Fall now playing in the Winter/Spring.
Or maybe it’s simply a function of more exposure for the site.
Here are the most viewed pages:
- Home page (3.04% of all views)
- Volleyball Set Diagram (2.74%)
- How to teach the overhand serve to volleyball beginners (2.57%)
- Whose ball? Seam Responsibilities (1.40%)
- Scoring serving and passing effectiveness (1.40%)
Over 100 pages on the site have more than 100 views in these first two months.
Naturally, the vast majority of readers come from the USA (71%). No other country even reaches 5%. Nearly 70% of visitors get here via search, with 22% doing so from social media. Among the few folks clicking here from other volleyball websites, the leading sources are: