As you may have picked up on, I’ve been really interested in the traffic the blog has been getting this year. About this time last month I noted how crazy strong the readership was for March – at least by historical comparisons. Well, that pattern didn’t break in April.
Now, April traditionally sees a drop off in traffic compared to March, and that did hold this year. Last month saw 29,468 page views as compared to 35,169 the month prior. This April’s 76% improvement over the best prior year, however, did handily beat March’s 59%.
Total page views are now up over 117,000. That’s 37% higher than at the end of April in any previous year. That’s so strong that even with no traffic in May the blog would still be almost 15% ahead of it’s prior best.
I’m still amazed at all this.
In case you’re wondering, here are the posts that got the most readership.
- How to teach the overhand serve to volleyball beginners
- Volleyball Set Diagram
- Volleyball games for training and fun
- What does out of system mean in volleyball?
- Putting together a starting line-up
It’ll take about 22k page views in May to hit 1.5 million total since the blog’s inception. Normally, I’d call that a bit of a stretch for May. After all, the previous best was only about 17k from 2020. This year, I wouldn’t bet against it.