I previously shared some rules change proposals NCAA coaches were asked to vote on. Yesterday I sat in on the Division III general meeting at the AVCA Convention. One of the things shared with us was the results of that polling. Here’s how things went.
Reduce permissible substitutions: Majority oppose (92% against in Division III)
Allow different ball materials: Majority oppose
Allow players to wear jewelry: Majority approve (referees also approve)
Allow for longer intermissions between Sets 2 and 3: Majority oppose
Screening: Majority want enforcement of the existing rule
Data transmission: Majority opposed allowing video
Stop calling double contacts on 2nd touch if it stays on your side: Majority oppose (58%)
Allow teams to stay on the same bench if both teams agree: Majority agree
Change challenge rule from a fixed 3/match to 2, keep it if you make it: Majority approve
Allow for challenge of libero setting on/in front of 3m line: Majority approve
The poll results now go to the NCAA Rules Committee.