As I informed subscribers to my weekly newsletter, I am not attending this year’s AVCA Convention in person. It’s just not in this year’s budget. I am, however, taking part in the virtual convention. The on-site convention is already underway as I write this, but the virtual event doesn’t kick off until tomorrow morning. Interestingly, while the in-person activities end on Saturday, the virtual stuff continues to Sunday.
As I have done in the past (2021, 2020, 2019, 2016, 2013), I plan to share my takeaways from each day’s offerings.
2 Responses
Being in the UK the cost of attending in person is very prohibitive….one day, maybe….from the bucket list!!
So, always appreciate the insight and information you provide, John.
Much appreciated.
Lenny Barry
I believe the convention will be in Tampa in 2024, which is a might warmer than the likes of Omaha this time of year. Start saving your pounds!