Coaching Volleyball

Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas

Tag: hitting

Game: Hitter vs Hitter Challenge

This is a volleyball game which can be useful to assess the competitiveness of players and their relative game play effectiveness, potentially in a try-out.

Game: High Ball to Receive

Here's a game I saw at UCLA which works on hitters challenging the block, with additional serve receive and free ball attacking

Drill: Continuous Transition

The Continuous Transition volleyball drill is great for working on the transition from blocking to attack, with a definite conditioning element involved.

Drill: Twenty One

Twenty one is a volleyball drill which works on ball control, movement communication, teamwork, and mental toughness

Drill: 7-in-7 Hitting

The 7-in-7 hitting drill is good for getting players to work on consistent deep court swings for those times in a match when aggression isn't…

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