Coaching Volleyball

Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas

Tag: passing

Drill: Get-2 Serve & Pass

This serving and passing drill can be useful for larger groups to keep them moving while also getting the developmental focus on those who need…

Drill: 2-sided Serve & Pass

This volleyball drill is an extension of a basic serve and pass exercise which lets you involve more players, making it good for large squads…

The evolution of the libero position

The requirements and responsibilities of the libero position in volleyball have evolved over time, with implications for both selection and training.

Drill: 8-Person Serve & Pass

Here's a very simple drill you can use to work on serving and ball-control skills which has some flexibility in adding additional skills and focus…

Drill: Serving-Passing-Setting Quads

Here is a ball-control drill aimed at getting maximum passing, setting and serving reps in a minimal amount of time. Good for warm-ups or regular…

Drill: Passing Triplets

Here is a drill aimed at getting maximum passing (and potentially serving) reps in a minimal amount of time. Good for warm-ups or regular training.

Game: Points for Passes

This game features a set-up and scoring system which focuses a great deal on serve receive passing (and serving), but within a full game-play structure.

Drill: Twenty One

Twenty one is a volleyball drill which works on ball control, movement communication, teamwork, and mental toughness

Drill: Run Serve Receive

This is a volleyball drill which forces players to receive serve under pressure and while fatigued, with both conditioning and mental toughness elements.

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