Coaching Volleyball

Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas

Tag: serve receive

Coaching Concept: Tennis serving

Taking a page out of the tennis book, you can use the idea of let serves to encourage more aggressive serving in volleyball training drills…

Coaching Log – Nov 5, 2013

This is an entry in my volleyball coaching log. I ran a 90 minute training session following the pre-practice team meeting. Blocking movement was incorporated…

How to stop overpassing

Overpasses in volleyball are like gifts to the other team. Here are some ways you can get your players to keep the ball on your…

Game: Points for Passes Variation

Here's an alternative way you can focus on volleyball serve receive within the context for more normal game play using bonus points.

Drill: Servers vs. Passers Scoring

This simple game volleyball drill works on serving and passing in a competitive way with enough flexibility to let you create a balanced challenge.

Drill: Get-2 Serve & Pass

This serving and passing drill can be useful for larger groups to keep them moving while also getting the developmental focus on those who need…

Drill: 2-sided Serve & Pass

This volleyball drill is an extension of a basic serve and pass exercise which lets you involve more players, making it good for large squads…

The evolution of the libero position

The requirements and responsibilities of the libero position in volleyball have evolved over time, with implications for both selection and training.

Drill: 8-Person Serve & Pass

Here's a very simple drill you can use to work on serving and ball-control skills which has some flexibility in adding additional skills and focus…

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