An Englishman at the AVCA Spring Conference
A coaching friend of mine from England attended the 2018 AVCA Spring Conference. It was his first time at an AVCA event. Here's his report.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
A coaching friend of mine from England attended the 2018 AVCA Spring Conference. It was his first time at an AVCA event. Here's his report.
I attended the 2017 USA Volleyball High Performance Coaches Clinic for the second time. Here's an overview of what went on.
I spent the last several days attending a volleyball coaching seminar and a conference. Here's a basic report on how that went, with more detail…
This week will feature me attending an FIVB coaching seminar and a Volleyball England coaching conference, plus some Volleyball Coaching Wizards stuff.
I have a tough volleyball coaching education choice to make between a pair of international events that unfortunately overlap.